Working with Partners

Principles of Partnership

Any partnership must reflect and uphold our core values including: belief in the social model of disability, neurodivergence as difference not deficit, and the imperatives of inclusion and accessibility.

Partnerships should offer clear benefits to both parties. We only engage in partnerships that provide value to our members and, where appropriate, the wider autistic community.

All aspects of partnerships, from inception to completion, should be conducted with honesty and transparency. We should be clear about commitments, expectations, roles and responsibilities.

Regular communication is essential to ensure the partnership’s success and address any challenges or concerns promptly. Clear lines of escalation for issues should be established.

Establishing Partnerships

Potential partners can be identified by members, volunteers or staff. Anyone can make an initial outreach to explore possible collaboration areas but no firm commitments should be made in Youth Hub’s name before the next steps are undertaken.

Before formalising any partnership, nominated Youth Hub representatives will conduct a review of the potential partner to ensure alignment with our values and objectives. This includes understanding their history, reputation and goals.

Once a partnership is deemed viable, an MoU will be drafted. This document does not need to be unwieldy – for low cost, short duration projects, a detailed email may suffice.

The MoU details the partnership’s scope, objectives, roles, responsibilities, timelines and any financial implications. There should be provisions for reconsideration or termination should it not meet its objectives or deviate from our values. All projects should be focussed on impact.

The MoU will be reviewed by relevant Youth Hub stakeholders and at least one director. When approved, this will need to be confirmed in writing by both parties.

If there is financial outlay or the partnership involves applying for grant funding, the MoU must be signed by authorised representatives from both parties.

The progress of the partnership should be regularly monitored, with ad hoc and formal feedback mechanisms established to ensure its success and alignment with intended outcomes.

Both parties should adhere to the conditions stipulated in the MoU regarding termination.